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contoh template website Landing Page modern

16 Jan 2023, 15.04 WIB Last Updated 2023-01-29T15:22:31Z


Dalam suatu website ada banyak sekali elemen yang ada seperti home page,menu, gallery, contact form, UI, UX,  hosting, domain dan landing page.

Berbicara tentang landing page, bagi Anda yang sudah bergelut lama di bidang website pasti sudah faham mengenai landing page. S

emakin bagus landing page dibuat, maka semakin besar pula tingkat konversi yang akan Anda dapatkan dari website.

Landing page memiliki fungsi utama untuk mengajak pengunjung yang datang melakukan action, nah disinilah sebagai pemilik website.

Anda harus membuat trigger bagi pengunjung website agar melakukan action sesuai dengan apa yang kita inginkan.

Sebelum membahas lebih lanjut, apakah Anda sudah tau apa itu landing page?

Apa Itu Landing Page?

Landing page adalah halaman website yang dibuat dengan tujuan dikunjungi pertama kali oleh pengunjung website.

Ada banyak metode yang biasa digunakan untuk mendatangkan traffic ke landing page seperti organic traffic, optimasi SEO dan paid traffic.

Dalam pembuatan landing page, agar landing page mudah ditemukan oleh pelanggan maka harus mengandung keyword sesuai dengan target.

Dan tentu saja isi materi konten di landing page harus semenarik mungkin agar pengunjung yang datang tertarik dengan produk atau jasa yang Anda tawarkan.

Dalam pembuatannya, ada beberapa tips yang harus anda lakukan untuk meningkatkan konversi landing page.

Tips Membuat Landing Page

  • Headline Menarik

Jika Anda melihat koran pada halaman depan, pasti akan disajikan tulisan besar yang membuat Anda tertarik untuk membacanya, nah itulah yang dinamakan headline.

Headline adalah serangkaian kata yang mampu menarik perhatian pembaca yang isinya mewakili seluruh isi konten.

Untuk penerapannya dalam landing page headline sangat penting, syarat headline yang bagus adalah ringkas, jelas dan tidak bertele-tele.

  • Menggunakan Gambar/Video

Pengunaan gambar pada landing page sangat penting dilakukan, ada orang yang meyebutkan bahwa dari satu gambar bisa mewakili seribu kata.

Pengunaan video dalam landing page menurut survey juga meningkatkan konversi sebesar 86%. Jadi agar konversi dari landing page Anda meningkat, wajib ditambahkan pebgunaan gambar dan video

Template features:

If you are looking for an online store blogger template for your business, a great option you must consider is the Souq Store template. SOUQ Store is a perfect blogger eCommerce theme for small business owners to setup their online presence in a shape of online store. This ecommerce shopping store is ideal for selling online gadgets, fashion for Men & women, boutique, clothing store, mobile shop or any apparel store. You're a click away from having your own store and start selling products in a pro manner. Souqstore eCommerce Blogger Shopping Template provides you multiple options to serve your clients in a best way possible. The template allows for a seamless experience for your visitors right from the point when they first click onto the website. Visitors are greeted with an eloquently designed store. The use of dynamic imagery and graphics on the home page of the website are an effective way of grabbing and holding the attention of prospects. In addition, the minimalistic and clean layout of this business blogger template ensures that your products are the focus, without unnecessary background clutter to take away from the items themselves. To optimize the site map and effectively use screen space, which will help you retain the clean design element of your online stores, the Souq ecommerce blogger template provides you the option of having drop down menus for your different product categories. This makes the experience of navigating through your online store much more frictionless for your customers. To save you the hassle of creating a shopping cart, FAQs, contact us, locate us pages- and the likes, this ecommerce blogger template provides pre-made pages that you simply have to edit information into, and you’ll be ready to go. Last but not least, the most valuable offering of this ecommerce blogger template is that all the content that goes on this website can be optimized for search engines, which can astronomically increase the likelihood of your website being presented as the top results against a particular keyword search in Google, Bing, and other search engines of their kind. The only feature that makes SOUQ Store one of the best theme is you can add your favorite items to your wishlist. This ecommerce store is suitable for non coders and developers. As a payment gateway / checkout we've added PayPal as its one of the most trusted payment method used by online buyers. Easiest and simple method to connect your PayPal by adding your email through Blogger's widget and you're good to go. Clean design, Fast Loading, Mega Menu, Responsive, Custom Slider, breadcrumbs, Ecommerce, Seo Ready, Adapted From WordPress, Wishlist, Paypal checkout, Retina Ready, whatsapp share, Thumbnail Menu, White, Simple, 50+ items to sell, Stylish, Free Premium.

Download for FREE with proper credits to Btheme9, no support included.



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